You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘features’ tag.

We’ve just deployed an update to percollate that will allow you do to full-text searches. Once you’ve loaded a collection of users you can search much of their meta data and immediately filter on the matches. The searchable categories are:

  • Name
  • ScreenName
  • Location
  • Latest Tweet
  • Description
  • Klout Topics
  • PeerIndex Topics

This is a result of searching twitter for the keyword ‘marketing’…


You’ll now see a new text box in the top left hand corner. Simply type and hit enter or click the search icon…


Searching for the word coffee reveals just 3 matching users.


Why did these users match though? Alessandra has coffee as one of her PeerIndex Topics…

alebrandcare (Alessandra Colucci)

Alivia mentioned coffee in her most recent tweet…

AliviaYoungwing (Alivia Young)

And Claire cites coffee in her profile description…

Clare_TheBian (Clare)

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